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To generate your own BibTeX styles, choose Tools -> Style Generator.
To print a reference list in a LaTeX document, you normally use the commands
LaTeX and BibTeX use the information in the bib database specified, the cite tags in the LaTeX document (e.g.: \cite{Mittelbach2004}) and the BibTeX style to write the list of references in the LaTeX document.
The bibtex style specified decides how LaTeX should format the reference list - which fields to include for each entry type, the order of the fields, formatting of the fields (whether the field should be bolded or italized or the like), how to print the authors and editors (the order of the name parts, whether only initials of the first name or full name should be used), what tokens to put between the fields and so on.
Most people use a standard BibTeX style to format their reference lists (e.g. plain.bst, alpha.bst, plainnat.bst, ...). Sometimes, however, you none of these standard styles format the reference list exactly like you want it to be formatted. Then you could do one of the following; create your own BibTeX style by writing BibTeX stack language code or google to find the style you need. To problems may arise here: 1. if you are not used to writing stack code, writing your own style might be a tedious process. 2. it may be difficult to find a BibTeX style on the web that does exactly what you want
To steer clear of the problems mentioned above, you can use Bib-it's Style Generator - a GUI wizard that makes creating your own BibTeX style a piece of cake.
Choose Tools -> Style Generator to start the wizard.
A file chooser dialog appears. If you want to use a file as template (one of the templates shipped with Bib-it or a template corresponding to a style you made previously with the Style Generator), navigate to this file and push 'choose'. If you DON'T want to use a file as template, but rather start from scratch, push 'cancel'.
In either case, the wizard dialog now appears. On the left you will see the entry types corresponding to the plainStyle.ini file (or whatever Bib-it style file you use).
For each of the entry types (or at least each entry type that is present in the bib-databases you wish to use this style with) - choose which fields to print in the reference list and the order of the fields by using the buttons on the right hand side (+ to add a field, - to remove the selected field, arrows to move the selected field up and down. In the field combo box, choose the name of the field (all field names defined in plainStyle.ini or whatever Bib-it style file you use appears in this combo box). Do the field formatting, and optionally type a token (e.g. characters like : , . or a string like 'edited by') to print before this field (in the before text field) and/or type a token to print after this field (in the after text field. The before and after tokens may also have it's own 'style' (bold, italic etc.) - push the 'F' button to the right of the text field to do this.
bold | the value of the field will appear bolded |
italic | the value of the field will appear bolded |
' ' | single quotes will surround the field value (but NOT the tokens before or after) |
" " | double quotes will surround the field value (but NOT the tokens before or after) |
<< >> | angle quotes will surround the field value (but NOT the tokens before or after) |
scaps (=small capitals) | the field value will be printed in small capitals |
case | 'no case change': the field value will be printed as is 'lower': all letters printed lower case 'title': first letter of field value will be upper case, all other letters lower case 'upper': all letters printed upper case |
newline | A line break (in LaTeX: \newline) will be inserted after the field |
In the 'author' and 'editor' panels (or if you don't use plainStyle.ini, there will be one panel for each field of type 'name' defined in the bibit style ini-file) you combine name parts (first, last, von and jr are the name parts) to make up a name string.
The order of the name parts in the table reflects the order in which the name parts will be printed in a field of type 'name'. Use the arrows to change the order.
Check the include checkbox to the left to include the corresponding name part in the name string.
Check the inits checkbox in the middle if only the initials (i.e. the first letters of all the words that make up this name part) of the corresponding name part should be printed.
In the text boxes token between and token after you may write whatever string you like (but most probably you'd like to use a '.'). The 'token between' string is printed between the words that make up the corresponding name part. The 'token after' string is printed after the LAST word that make up the corresponding name part.
The "And others" string is the string to print after all the names in the reference list. This string is printed only if the reference has more authors (or editors) than the number of authors (or editors) printed in the reference list.
The Max number of names number limits the number of names to print in the reference list. For example, if a book has 4 authors, and the Max number of names is set to 3, only the first 3 authors will be printed.
The Number of names before "And Others" number limits the number of names to print before the "And Others" string is printed. For example, consider that the Max number of names number is 3 and the Number of names before "And Others" number is 2. In the case of a book with 4 authors, the to first authors and the "And others" string will be printed. In the case of a book with 3 authors, all the names will be printed.